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ASEZ WAO No More GPGP Beach Cleanup at Seaside Park

On a chilly, midwinter day, a total of 79 volunteers of ASEZ WAO, held a beach cleanup at Seaside Park in Bridgeport, CT. The park is located on the Eastern Seaboard of Connecticut. This was part of their ongoing “No More GPGP” mission to combat the formation of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. As a result, volunteers collected 20 large bags of trash, including many plastic items like bottles and food containers.

Visitors often enjoy their time on Seaside Park’s beaches, under the sunshine, along three miles of glistening coastline. The park has a rich history, being established just after the Civil War by Calvert Vaux and Frederick Law Olmsted. They are also responsible for designing Manhattan’s Central Park and Brooklyn’s Prospect Park. Such nineteenth century landscapes have proved timeless as they entice and bring joy to each new generation of park-goers.

Today, Seaside Park, located on Connecticut’s Eastern Seaboard, attracts many visitors each year. Because of the constant foot traffic, plastic pollution has become a big problem. Through the “No More GPGP” campaign, ASEZ WAO educates that although plastics are convenient in our daily life, they have become a major threat to the health of the earth.

Mayor Signs an MOU of Support for ASEZ WAO

The ASEZ WAO volunteers’ hard work gained attention from government officials like Mayor Joe Ganim. Mayor Ganim praised the volunteers for helping the environment and signed an MOU to support ASEZ WAO’s initiatives. He expressed, “I, personally, the Mayor of the City of Bridgeport, want to congratulate you and say thank you from all our residents … Your efforts here today in the cold and windy rain are above the call of duty, so thank you again!”

Sustainability Manager of the City of Bridgeport, Chadwick Schroeder, also showed his support by attending the cleanup. After seeing the impactful results, he said, “I want to thank ASEZ WAO for their hard work today by keeping the City of Bridgeport a clean place, protecting our natural environment and our parks, and keeping them safe for the next generation.”

The attendance of these officials showed how important it is for everyone to work together to solve environmental problems. ASEZ WAO believes in teamwork and keeps pushing for a cleaner future. Their message isn’t just local—it’s global. ASEZ WAO is making progress step by step, moving closer to a world without the threat of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. To learn more about the No More GPGP campaign, please click here.

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